Winter in Majorca

A portrait of Frederick Chopin
Written and performed by Michael Lunts
Directed by David Horlock
Since his first show, 'Winter in Majorca', premiered at the Salisbury Playhouse, Michael Lunts' special affinity with the life and music of Frederick Chopin has impressed critics and audiences alike.
The Last Ballade follows the composer's journey begun in 'Winter in Majorca', to its dramatic climax, ten years later.
The story of Frederick Chopin and his dramatic stay in a monastery on the island of Majorca with his lover, the writer George Sand.

The music that came out of this adventure, preludes, polonaises and mazurkas, are amongst his best-loved works and are played live as part of the action.
The set recreates the monastic cell in which the lovers stayed, while lights, sound and music conjure up the atmosphere of this strange interlude in the composer's life.

"Michael Lunts is quite outstanding in the role of Chopin ... his fine acting is equally matched by his skill as a pianist."
The Stage
"Spellbinding study of Chopin."
The Independent
"A seamless interweaving of words and music ... a performance of unmistakeable distinction."
The Guardian

See extracts from 'Winter in Majorca', performed by Michael, on Youtube