Home Service

with Susan Flannery and Michael Lunts
Directed by Michael Lunts
The music and humour of the Second World War inspired and uplifted a whole generation during Britain’s darkest but finest hour.
In this, their latest show, 'Home Service', Susan Flannery and Michael Lunts draw on this rich vein of material evoking the hardships, humour and heroism of those, especially women, fighting the war on the Home Front.

Against a backdrop of blackouts, bombs, and rationing, the wireless, through the B.B.C.’s Home Service, fought back with a barrage of entertainment while ENSA earned its affectionate nickname providing ‘Every Night Something Awful’!
Using authentic broadcasts, songs and sketches from the period, along with first-hand accounts of life in war-time Britain, Susan and Michael bring to life the Forties in all its grit and grandeur.