Coward at Sea

A nautical musical comedy based on Noël Coward's 'P&O 1930'*
Come aboard the SS Madeira for this nautical musical comedy featuring, for the first time on stage, Noël Coward's 'P&O 1930', his magical evocation of the historic P&O route home to Britain from the Far East, when a voyage took weeks rather than hours and the passengers got up to all sorts of antics en route.
Actor, pianist and singer Michael Lunts brings to life this wonderfully eccentric cast of Coward characters and includes many of The Master's best-loved songs, from 'Matelot' to 'Mad Dogs and Englishmen', from 'Nina' to 'Marvellous Party' and, of course, 'Sail Away'!

As a performer, pianist, writer, singer and all-round ‘one-man band’, Michael has a special affinity with Noël Coward. He's delighted to be able to bring this little-known jewel among The Master’s work to a wider audience, having previously toured the show to great acclaim with singer Susan Flannery under the title ‘Pass The Port’.
Some sample songs from 'Coward at Sea' are on the Listen page.

"Deliciously witty ... a quintessentially English flavour superbly captured by this gifted performer."
Newbury Weekly News, Newbury Festival Review
"A charming and innovative piece ... Michael Lunts has captured the quality of Coward, performing his many roles, while playing the piano and singing, completely in character."
Edinburgh Evening News, Edinburgh Festival Review
"A rare gem evoking the genuine spirit of Coward."
Michael Coveney, The Daily Mail

* 'P&O 1930' ©1957 NC Aventales AG
Published in Noël Coward Collected Verse by Methuen Drama
Copyright agent: Alan Brodie Representation Ltd